CSLI Resources-Old Truths From Oxford-Thoughts on Atheist Logic-Andy Bannister

October 20, 2021 00:03:32
CSLI Resources-Old Truths From Oxford-Thoughts on Atheist Logic-Andy Bannister
CSLI Resources
CSLI Resources-Old Truths From Oxford-Thoughts on Atheist Logic-Andy Bannister

Oct 20 2021 | 00:03:32


Show Notes

The New Atheism of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett is aggressive, zealous and even evangelistic in nature…but it is not all that new. And the New Atheists share a connection with Oxford. Yet, there is one notorious atheist with a connection to Oxford that is often overlooked: C.S. Lewis. Lewis journeyed through atheism and found answers to the arguments that today’s New Atheists are recycling.

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