Latest Episodes
Events-Past Resources-Bringing the Gospel Home-Tips on Effective Evangelism-Randy Newman
Witnessing about Jesus is challenging - even for the boldest of Christians. For most of us, it's just plain scary. And the most intimidating...
Events-Past Resources-Bringing the Gospel Home-Is it unhelpful to talk about our faith as a 'religion'-Randy Newman
Witnessing about Jesus is challenging - even for the boldest of Christians. For most of us, it's just plain scary. And the most intimidating...
Events-Past Resources-Bringing the Gospel Home-How do you deal with family members who has cut off contact because of their disagreement about faith-Randy Newman
Witnessing about Jesus is challenging - even for the boldest of Christians. For most of us, it's just plain scary. And the most intimidating...
Events-Past Resources-Christian Faith and Natural Sciences-Why Can We Make Sense of the World-Alister McGrath
With Alister McGrath, Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s College, London October 3-4, 2003 | Falls Church, Virginia
Events-Past Resources-Christian Faith and Natural Sciences-Faith and Proof in Science and Religion-Alister McGrath
With Alister McGrath, Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s College, London October 3-4, 2003 | Falls Church, Virginia
Events-Past Resources-Christian Faith and Natural Sciences-Have the Natural Sciences Eliminated Belief in God-Alister McGrath
With Alister McGrath, Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s College, London October 3-4, 2003 | Falls Church, Virginia