Latest Episodes
Events-Past Resources-Christian Faith and Natural Sciences-Science, Faith, and the Sense of Wonder at Nature-Alister McGrath
With Alister McGrath, Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s College, London October 3-4, 2003 | Falls Church, Virginia
Events-Past Resources-Communication-Communication-Andy Bannister
Apologetics and evangelism are about communication, but as it was once stated “The biggest problem with communication is the assumption that it has been...
Events-Past Resources-Communication-How Do You Discuss Christianity with Someone You Don't Agree With-Andy Bannister
Apologetics and evangelism are about communication, but as it was once stated “The biggest problem with communication is the assumption that it has been...
Events-Past Resources-Communication-Discuss Views of Morality-Andy Bannister
Apologetics and evangelism are about communication, but as it was once stated “The biggest problem with communication is the assumption that it has been...
Events-Past Resources-Communication-Tips for Discipleship-Andy Bannister
Apologetics and evangelism are about communication, but as it was once stated “The biggest problem with communication is the assumption that it has been...
Events-Past Resources-Cosmological Argument for God-Cosmological Argument for God-Long Version-Michael Marshall
With Michael Marshall, Search Market Industry Consultant, Owner/Instructor at North Carolina Search Engine Academy, Raleigh, NC 2009