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Events-Past Resources-Growing in Humility-Growing in Humility-Part 3-Stuart McAlpine
With Stuart McAlpine, Founding Pastor at Christ Our Shepherd Church on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. December 7, 2013 | Washington, DC
Events-Past Resources-Growing in Humility-Growing in Humility-1-Jerry Root
Pride alienates us from God and others. Humility is the path to deeper fellowship with God and others, as well as to true Christlikeness...
Events-Past Resources-Growing in Humility-Growing in Humility-2-Jerry Root
Pride alienates us from God and others. Humility is the path to deeper fellowship with God and others, as well as to true Christlikeness...
Events-Past Resources-Growing in Humility-Is Salvation the restoration of humility-Jerry Root
Pride alienates us from God and others. Humility is the path to deeper fellowship with God and others, as well as to true Christlikeness...
Events-Past Resources-Growing in Humility-If a person says you think you know, and that I don't know ....-Jerry Root
Pride alienates us from God and others. Humility is the path to deeper fellowship with God and others, as well as to true Christlikeness...
Events-Past Resources-Growing in Humility-What do you do with a Christian who is a chump and with a non-Christian who is nice-Jerry Root
Pride alienates us from God and others. Humility is the path to deeper fellowship with God and others, as well as to true Christlikeness...